N MOOdBride Farm

Grazie = Jeenise
Crazie = Charlotte
Frenzie = Fiona
Wenzie = Wendy


The cows living on MOOdbride Farm are mad to are certain extent, just that others don't take it for real.

I am cow, hear me moo

I weigh twice as much as you

And I look good on the barbecue

Yogurt, curd, cream cheese and butter’s

Made from liquid from my udders

I am cow, I am cow

hear me moo (moo)



4L Bio - split personalities!
4L Bio - Epilepsy
4L Bio - Alzheimer's!
4L Bio - THE EYE
4L Bio - Autism
MAD COW link 1 - how stuff works
MAD COW link 2 - Wikipedia's take on MCD
MAD COW link 3 - life saver
MAD COW link 4 - spread to humankind o.0

N Archives

February 2008 March 2008


Designer: xoxo%JERRiny
Image: x
Brushes: x
Codings: xx
Thanks to the deviantartist.


crazie the cow - CHARLOTTE (1)

frenzie the cow - FIONA (3)

grazie the cow - JEENISE (8)

wenzie the cow - WENDY (11)


- <being slaughtered isn't a bad thing after all......> :

Crazie: Moooo.. but i still miss Farmer Fred. where has he gone to? haix.. are we all going to die here??? how i wish i was slaughtered by Farmer Fred last time!! At least he could eat my meat!

Farmer Fred: oh great! with that nano thing, i can test my family and my cows for the disease.
Doctor: of course u should. make sure that your family members are safe first because there is no treatment, no cure, and it's 100% fatal.
Farmer Fred: Ahhhhhh...
Doctor: And don't assume that cooking of the beef makes it safe. That's absolutely wrong because the prion protein can still survive under extremely high temperatures, so cooking will not protect anyone from this abnormal prion protein.
Farmer Fred: Ahhhhh... i should'nt have ate my cows!!!

Moooed on 3/01/2008 09:17:00 AM




- <nanonanny> :

Nano Nanny:
Yoyo every one, Nano nanny is here to stay! Nano nanny will save the day today!
Dear farmer fred, you no longer have to worry about contracting Mad Cow disease from your cows, because Nanowerks (http://www.nanowerk.com/news/newsid=4730.php/ ) introduces to Moodbridge farm...
the smallest detecter of Mad cow disease!

This wonderful nano-sensor will be able to sense the prion proteins that cause Mad Cow Disease in the bloodstream of both cows and human, to identify Mad Cow disease. This is essential because the incubation period is too long to detect, and when the symptoms show, it is usually too late.Prions are infectious proteins that can cause deadly nerve-damaging diseases such as Mad Cow Disease in cattle, scrapie in sheep, and a human form of Mad Cow Disease called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
What's more, this amazing sensor is able to detect record-LOW levels of the deadly prion proteins.

CHIM-CHIM mechanism behind this: The sensor detects binding of prion proteins by detecting frequency changes of a micromechanical oscillator. The device includes a silicon sensor, which resembles a tiny tuning fork, that changes vibrational resonant frequency when prions bind. Its vibration patterns are then measured by a special detector. In experimental trials, the sensor detected prions at concentrations as low as 2 nanograms per millilitre, the smallest levels measured to date!!!

What more can you ask for, when conventional tests are designed to detect the proteins only upon autopsy? That is sooo time-consuming and unreliable lah.


Moooed on 3/01/2008 04:17:00 AM




- <MOOOOoooo> :

Farmer Fred( depressed, long face): hey doc, can i ask u a question, if it is true that my beloved cows are sick, how come they don't have any symptoms( besides being looney) and when will they actually die( make slicing motion to neck) and also can i go and see them for the last time, i really luv them a lot, and also will they be in alot of pain????????

Doctor: whoa, thats alot of qns by the way. ahem ( clear throat) firstly, they will not show symptoms so fast as Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad-cow disease,has a long incubation period, about 4 years, usually affecting adult cattle at a peak age onset of four to five years. so it is a good thing that we have found your infected cows fast enough to prevent an epidermic. death is quite impossible to prevent so u will have to prepare yourself for the worst.
And to answer your third qns: i am sorry, u will not be able to have any contact with them as this terrible disease can be spread to humans too and we ABSOLUTELY CANNOT RISK THAT!! meanwhile, we will be trying to keep ur cows as comfortable as we can. dont worry too much(pat on the head)

Farmer Fred: looks crestfallen as he stares at his cows

Frenzie:(starts chanting) hmm is that him or am i am seeing things... oh it is him, it is really him, the one i miss, the one i luv, farmer fred, oh how my hearts yearns for him, our owner, farmer fred!!!! other cows stand back and looking and shaking their head as she runs and bangs her head to the glass window where farmer fred is looking in.

Doctor: haizz, thats one that is definitely mad

Moooed on 2/29/2008 11:28:00 PM





Farmer Fred: Doctor, why are u putting all my cows in rooms like this? They love to live outdoors you know, like my farm, n not being cooped up in these small white rooms.
Doctor: i have to monitor their behaviour.

moomoo.. Farmer Fred where are you? Oh i see two of you, which is the real you?? Hello? Don't run away please wait for me!!

Farmer Fred: omg is she crazy already?? Y will she crash into the wall for nothing?
Doctor: cows that contracted mad cow diseas shows abnormal behaviour. It spreads quickly when there is outbreak of mad cow disease among the cattles, it will then affect many lives.
Farmer Fred: Then how can i prevent my other cows from contracting this disease?
Doctor: Not only must the cows be protected, but we must think about those that consume these contaminated meat. You should stop feeding your cow meaty stuffs, and stop selling the product of your cattles to others, then the probability of anyone getting infected will be reduced.

Moooed on 2/28/2008 04:58:00 AM





Frenzie hops on board:
hello, good to see you guys again,i thought i was goona die of loneliness being the only cow left.Mooooooooo.why are we all here? It seems like we are being quarantined...this place is so cool....oh no, i feel nutsy again.Moooooo


Moooed on 2/28/2008 04:53:00 AM




- <Another cow arrives..> :

Moo..Noo..Why is this place so strange? Am I in moomoo (dream) land? Oh hi Grazie hi Crazie, long time no see thought u all died already =p
- Wenzie

Farmer Fred: Here's another mad cow..i suppose. Even my favourite cow, Wenzie has to stay here. I guess I will just stay here with all my cows.
Doctor: Oh no please don't. Do you know that this disease can be spread to humans, which will cause them to die of a brain disorder, known as new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (nvCJD)?
Doctor: calm down i don't think u are affected yet. Mad cow disease spreads by contact with the tissues of diseased cattles like eating the meat of diseased cattles. Evidence shows that nvCJD victims had lived in areas where there were outbreaks of mad cow disease in the earlier years. If u worry so much u are always welcome to come back for checkup.
Farmer Fred: AHHHHHH!! (ran away)


Moooed on 2/24/2008 05:18:00 AM




- <Crazie the cow comes...> :

Mooo.... hey Grazie. what are you doing here? i thought u left us for good. Farmer Fred told us you went to the 'hospitals for mad cows'. so i see.. this is the place huh. since i'm here.. does that mean im a mad cow too????

Doctor: oh well. i guess here's another of your cow admitted to the Mood-bridge farm
Farmer Fred: why are my cows coming here one by one?
Doctor: hmm. let's see. what do you feed them with?
Farmer Fred: some meats and bones. full with proteins! they can produce better meat...
Doctor: oh my gosh! don't you know cows are herbivores?!?!?! they can only eat plants! The meat and bone meals would cause them to develop these holely brains... i think you better get all your cows here for checkup.

Moooed on 2/24/2008 12:00:00 AM




- <Here i MOOOOO again~> :

Mooo...Oh yay! Now that im so light, i can fly to anywhere i want. I want to fly to Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, and maybe... Heaven?
- Grazie

Doctor: I see Grazie's condition is getting worst. these infectious agents in her brain kills her brain cells, leaving large area of spongy holes. I have also observed large clumps of abnormal prion proteins (plague) in her brain cells. Ahh sad case..


Moooed on 2/23/2008 05:06:00 AM




- <Redbull gives you wings!> :

I feel light inside. Light headed, and my back feels light, all my old backaches suddenly gone. So redbull does give you wings!

Doctor: (whispers) Grazie does not know that she has contracted mad cow disease. (?!?) The onset of the disease is slow, with a long incubation period of 4 years! She feels light because Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (or a.k.a Mad Cow Disease) causes a spongy degeneration in the brain and spinal cord.


Moooed on 2/23/2008 01:10:00 AM




- <Grazie the Cow Rambles> :

Today i feel red. So i'm a redbull. So i can fly, i have wings. Red bull gives you wings.
But cows don't fly, they only jump over moons.
I told you i'm mad.
Why doesn't anyone believe me? :(
^ ^
(00) ~Mooooooooooo.

-Grazie the cow
p.s. to the other 3 cows, please post once you all have gotten my invitation to join MOOd-bridge Farm. hope the invitation works properly yea.

Moooed on 2/21/2008 06:56:00 AM